Rope and Belt Therapy for Joint Pain Relief

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Rope & belt yoga therapy-Joint pain relief

Let’s understand the Joint pain in a simple way

When two bones connect with each other, they form a joint. The two bones together do some movements like flexion/extension/rotation etc with the help of cartilage, muscles and ligaments. When you start getting pain or discomfort during these movements, due to various reasons, then it is called the beginning of joint pain.

There are many reasons for developing pain in a Joint. We will look at some macro-level reasons which result in micro-level reasons eg. Wear & tear of cartilage is a micro-level reason for joint pain.

Some of the most common, macro level, reasons of Joint Pain are:

    • Incorrect way of sitting,

    • Incorrect weight distribution while standing

    • Improper posture and misalignment while walking

    • Overuse of joints by doing a particular activity in excess resulting in accelerated wear & tear of joints

    • Less use of joints due to sedentary lifestyle which results in tight muscles,

    • Obesity is another big contributor to joint pain. It affects lower back and knee joint majorly

    A common treatment that you seek for any joint pain: visit an orthopaedic doctor, take a course of muscle relaxants, pain killers followed by physiotherapy.

    Treatment of joint pain will depend on the severity and ageing of the problem.

    What is Rope & Belt therapy, how it helps and why it has an edge over other methods

    Rope & belt therapy was started by BKS Iyengar guruji and his disciple, Dr. SV Karandhikar gave a medical angle to it. Its practice is based on the principle of various forms of traction. It works on correcting the alignment of body and Distraction at the joints. It is a totally non-invasive method.

    The popular problems treated by Rope & Belt therapy are

    Osteo-Arthritis at Knee Joint –  Common cause of developing OA of Knee, other than ageing, is the over-use knee joint in various activities, without giving it enough strength through relevant exercises. As a result, the cartilage starts degenerating fast, muscles lose their tone, become short and atrophic. This is the stage when the pain starts in the knee joint while sitting down or getting up or climbing stairs etc. If this onset of pain is not taken care of then the pain becomes worse and you start heading towards Knee Arthritis Grade I, Grade II and then Grade III, which usually calls for a Total Knee replacement surgery.

    Rope & Belt treatment has excellent results in giving relief from knee pain and it has helped avoid numerous surgeries. It helps in preventing further deterioration of the cartilage. Ropes are tied in a manner so as to correct the alignment of bones; Femur, Tibia & Patella. While the rope therapy works on distraction the knee joint, it is coupled with Knee strengthening exercises to hold the correct position. As a result, the patient is able to resume his daily activities smoothly.

    Lumbar & Cervical Spondylosis – This is related to the problems in the Spinal column in a human body. As mentioned above, we over-use our body without nurturing it. Lower-back is over used and often misused when we have a sedentary lifestyle, sitting in the wrong posture for 8 to 10 hours and absolutely no effort to work on strengthening your spine. Continuous use of Laptop and mobile phone take a toll on your neck. Your neck sometimes doesn’t even get a simple neck rotation exercise during the day. As a result, muscles become weak and dry. The body starts knocking on you to tell that it has been used enough and needs care now. 

    Its worth mentioning here that 80% of back pain and neck pain problems emerge because of poor posture instead of a herniated/slipped disc. Everyone who has a prolapsed disc does not suffer from back pain. It is not a rule! Suffering come from various other reasons like muscle spasms, posture, lifestyle, diet and of course emotional issues.

    Yoga with Rope & Belt therapy help is posture correction and alignment. It also gives distraction at the vertebral joints which helps is re-hydrating the discs, reduces pressure from the spinal discs, reduces muscle spasms and restores loss of Lordosis. This is done with the help of a unique method of tying yoga ropes around the spine so that it works as traction at the joints.

    Rope & Belt therapy has an edge!

    Every posture on Rope & Belt therapy has been designed with precision to target a particular muscle, at a particular joint. It is not just another hit and trial method to play with. It is given by Medical yoga trainers who are trained deeply in Human Anatomy and Physiology during their Yoga training programs. This gives them an edge as they can relate the Yogasanas precisely to each muscle and their impact on the body.

    Postures are held for a longer duration which helps in giving length to the muscle. There are several postures to treat one joint which means different muscles are worked upon with minute details by changing the postures. Hence a Rope & Belt therapy session may last longer than a regular yoga session.

    When should you start Rope and Belt Therapy?

    Having mentioned enough about Rope & Belt therapy, it is needless to say that earliest the better. Often you tend to ignore or live with your pain till it doesn’t let you sleep. Even if this therapy can bring relief at that severe stage, it just becomes a little more painful for you and more prolonged and challenging for the therapist. Hence we try our best to spread the word not to feed the pain but to get it treated as soon as you identify it.

    If you are suffering from similar issues then we are just a call away!


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