Breathe more with Yoga

Published by admin on

At this crucial time when the entire world is affected by the coronavirus and confined to home, off from Gyms sessions and yoga classes. I am writing this blog to give a few very simple exercises that anyone can do without worrying about their high BP problems or Cervical problems.

We know that this virus attacks the respiratory system. Hence is it important to increase our breathing capacity, consciously practice slow inhalation and slow exhalation to breathe in maximum oxygen and retain it for a longer duration in the body. All the below mentioned postures focus on Rib cage opening and Lungs expansion that facilitate deep breathing and improve immunity as well. Although these postures can be done any time of the day, I would still request you to make a little effort to get up early and do the postures in the open air or near an open window to get maximum benefits.

In case you find any difficulty in doing any of the postures or you have any questions, feel free to call us, chat with us or write to us with your pictures.

The key is to breathe deep! Breath is the best tool to build immunity, relieve stress and is easily available to all who are alive! Keep breathing and keep releasing your thoughts with every breath going out!

Yoga to improve Breathing problems

All these postures are to be done standing straight. Common instructions for standing straight:

·   Stand straight

·   Shoulder distance gap between feet

·   Toes slightly in and heels slightly out

Done? Now you are standing straight!

Now start doing the following yoga postures for breathing:

1) Ardhgaumukh Asana

a) Raise your right arm up and stretch it as much as you can, let the shoulder come up to the ear.

b) Bend the elbow of the right arm and place the palm just below the back of the neck, fingers stretched apart.

c) Hold the right elbow from the left hand, placing the palm not on the top of the elbow but on the front (on the top end of the tricep)

d) Gently push the right arm backwards.

e) Pay attention that your chest is lifted up, abdomen tucked in and that you are not bending backwards taking your hips out.

f)  Now take 10 gentle deep breaths – Inhale slowly and exhale slowly.

g) Repeat the process with Left hand and again take 10 deep breaths

Yoga Posture for Breathing- Ardhgaumukh Asana.png
Yoga Posture for Breathing- Ardhgaumukh Asana.png

2) Hands locked at the back – Method 1

(This is also called 3rd position of Rope Jacket which is a part of Medical Yoga Cervical spondylosis, Frozen Shoulder, Asthma or Ankylosing spondylosis)

a) Roll your shoulders back, hold your palms and lock them behind your body. Move the locked arms away from the body gently, as much as you can. Watch for any unpleasant stretch around the shoulder joint, if yes, then reduce the angle.

b) Pay attention that your chest is lifted up, abdomen tucked in and that you are not bending backwards taking your hips out.

c) Keep your attention in the middle of your eyebrows

d) Now take 10 gentle deep breaths – Inhale slowly and exhale slowly

e) Whatever thoughts come to your mind, good or bad, exhale them out with the breath and continue feeling light.

3rd position of Rope Jacket - Yoga Posture for Breathing

3) Hands locked at the back – Method 2

(Can be done against grills at home or any other attachment to hold)

a) Stand with your back facing the grills (follow the instructions given above to stand straight)

b) Roll your shoulders back, hold the grill with your palms behind your body. Keeping a firm grip on the grill, gently move away from the grill, as much as you can. Watch for any unpleasant stretch around the shoulder joint, if yes, then reduce the gap between the body and grill (go closer to the grill).

c) Pay attention that your chest is lifted up, abdomen tucked in and that you are not bending backwards taking your hips out.

d) Keep your attention in the middle of your eyebrows

e) Now take 10 gentle deep breaths – Inhale slowly and exhale slowly

f)  Whatever thoughts come to your mind, good or bad, exhale them out with the breath and continue feeling light.

4) Arms in W position

a) Stand straight (Instructions on given above)

b) Roll your shoulders back, make a ‘W position’ with your arms, palm facing the front

c) Push the arms in W position backwards, as much as you can.

d) Lift your chest up, abdomen tucked in and pay attention that you are not bending backwards taking your hips out.

e) Keep your attention in the middle of your eyebrows

f)  Now take 10 gentle deep breaths – Inhale slowly and exhale slowly


5) Arms in V position at elbow joint

(This is also called 2nd position f Rope Jacket which is a part of Medical Yoga Cervical spondylosis, Frozen Shoulder, Asthma or Ankylosing spondylosis)

a) Stand straight (Instructions on given above)

b) Roll your shoulders back, and make a V position by bending the elbow and push your elbows behind

c) Try to bring the palms up to waist level, fingers stretched apart and palms facing the body

d) Lift your chest up, abdomen tucked in and pay attention that you are not bending backwards taking your hips out.

e) You can also ask someone to tie your elbows from behind so that you can stay comfortable in the posture

f)  Keep your attention in the middle of your eyebrows

g) Now take 10 gentle deep breaths – Inhale slowly and exhale slowly

2nd position of Rope Jacket- Yoga Posture for breathing, yoga for frozen shoulder
2nd position of Rope Jacket- Yoga Posture for breathing, yoga for frozen shoulder

Continuous practice of all the above yoga postures for breathing will make your breathing easy, will increase your breathing capacity and will improve your respiratory system

Please share your experience with us, how you felt after doing these postures!


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