7 Yoga Asanas for your daily routine

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In today’s urban life the only scarce thing is TIME for HEALTH. At least, that’s what we get to hear from whomsoever we meet. In such a dearth of time, it is important to keep some discipline for yoga, before your body starts telling you in a harsh way that it needs attention!

Discipline doesn’t mean daily for 1 hour. It means to commit yourself to a daily practice, even if it is for 5 mins. It has to be done every day, without any excuse.

Now let’s assume that you can spare only 15 mins every day for your health, how would you make the best use of it?!

You should not clutter your precious 15 mins with trying too many things out of desperation to be fit and not see any results. It should also not be demotivating for you that what good can these 15 mins serve to, so drop it completely.

We will take you through a yogic sequence that you can do daily to keep you going. When we have limited time during the day for Yoga then we try to incorporate the asanas which can target both stretching and strengthening of the body’s muscles and give us a sense of power as well. Our main focus would be on our Spine & legs, the two most important skeletal parts of your body that support you for the whole day. You need to practice a sequence that can truly nourish them in the best possible way, within the limited time allocated for health!. Your spinal discs need to be hydrated, muscles need to relax, stretched, strengthen and MIND needs to be relaxed to bear the pressure for the whole day. Hence we recommend the below-mentioned postures:

1.       Vrikshasana – balance, weight distribution

2.       Veerbhadrasana – feeling of power, knee strengthening

3.       Vakrasana – spinal rotation

4.       Suptpadangushtasana – stretching for claves, lower back, glutes

5.       Setubandhasana – spine & knee strengthening,

6.       Cat & cow – flexion-extension of spine

7.       Vipreetkarini – resting pose

We have given the pictures below for reference, however, we would not prefer to explain how to do these postures as we strongly recommend you to learn it from an experienced Yoga Trainer rather than reading it here and performing. If you want to learn it with us then contact us.

Suggested postures and why you should do those:

DISCLAIMER: If you have knee pain, back pain, Hypertension (High BP) or any other medical condition then you MUST consult a Medical Yoga trainer or a doctor before starting any of the below-mentioned postures. Even though the postures are relatively safe but it is advised to take precaution.


It is an excellent balancing pose. It helps in bringing awareness about the weight distribution of the body, helps in strengthening the leg’s & hip muscles (the glutes) to be able to maintain that balance, helps in hydrating spinal discs as you are supposed to stretch your spine upwards which releases pressure from the discs, improve mental focus and increase endurance. Try to hold the position for min 30secs to 1 min. As you progress in your practice, try this with your eyes closed and get surprised by the challenge!


This posture can be done in 3 ways. It is also called the Warrior pose 1, 2 & 3. We recommend the warrior pose 1 for daily practice. This posture helps in the pelvic opening, strengthening of hip muscles, arms, knees, and quadriceps. It also stretches your quadriceps very well. If done correctly, with a proper extension of the spine, this posture also helps in the elongation of the spinal column and nourishes inter-vertebral discs. It is an extremely good posture for the overall development of thighs. This also gives you a feeling of power and wellbeing which gives a sense of Euphoria to get you started for the day.

Supta Vakrasana

Since this is a posture for spinal rotation, it increases the flexibility of the spine. It also gives strength to the back. If you have a stiff back and feeling heavy after the day’s over, this asana would be beneficial to you. This also helps in reducing belly fat by massaging the abdominal organs, improving digestion, and reducing constipation (Please do not expect instant results! ).

This asana should be avoided if you have gone through any kind of surgery or have a slipped disc or a problem with the Sacro-iliac joint.


This asana is a wonderful stretching of calves, hamstrings, lower back, and glutes and thus is extremely beneficial for those having a desk job or any other sitting job. Since it works on stretching of hamstrings, it helps in alleviating lower back pain because tight hamstrings are the biggest contributor to lower back pain. This posture improves the blood circulation in the body and makes the movements smooth at the joints. You will also see more coordination in your body after you start doing this posture.


Setubandhasana is also called the Bridge Pose. It is designed for the strengthening of the spine & knees uniquely. It also prepares your back for advanced postures. It improves blood circulation in the body, massages your cervical region and tones up your back. This posture can be beneficial for the strengthening of pelvic floor muscle which plays a crucial role in the life of a woman after menopause and for men to deal with their prostate problem. The benefits of this asana also include a reduction in anxiety, tiredness, and insomnia. Start doing this posture with gentle up and down movement, do 10 to 20 counts ad gradually you may try to hold the position starting from 10secs to upto 1 min.

Cat & Cow Pose

This posture is also called Nadi Vibhajana. It, especially, works for flexion-extension of the spine. It does look simple to do but to get the maximum benefit out of this posture, one must learn to do it correctly. Else you might just end up stretching your middle back and sagging lower back which should not be the target and must be avoided. This asana stretches the abdomen, back, hip muscles and give relief to the cervical region.  It helps in creating an emotional balance and relieves one of stress. While your spine goes up and down swiftly, sync your movements with inhalation and exhalation of breath. Do this for a minute. Although it works well for people having back pain, we do not recommend doing this posture if you have sciatica pain or severe back pain. It MUST be done only after consultation.


This one is a relatively easy resting pose. It can be done in two ways. To start with, we recommend doing it with a chair and gradually against the wall.  relaxes your mind and settles down any kind of anxiety. Whenever your body feels tired, you can simply do this pose but it is advisable to do this pose empty stomach. It improves your digestion as well as your sleep. Your lower back and hamstrings are also stretched in this pose. The entire body system gets balanced with this posture.

If you have back pain / tight hamstrings then it should not be done against the wall without consultation with a Medical Yoga expert. This posture can be done for 10-15 min. BP patients should do this pose only under the guidance of an instructor.

Needless to say here that all the above postures should be practised after learning them under the guidance of a trained yoga practitioner, after sharing your medical history with them. If you feel you are developing any Medical problem or already have one like knee pain, lower back problem, obesity, blood pressure, sciatica, cervical, etc. you can choose to go for a Pre-assessment Session with us. It will give you clarity about whether your apprehensions are true and what further care you would need. Please call us on 9923844281.


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