Yoga Classes in Bangalore

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Over the last few years, fitness enthusiasts, medical professionals, and celebrities are adopting and recommending Yoga and a holistic health routine over the backbreaking exercise of the gym due to its various benefits. In today’s highly demanding culture in metropolitan cities, where you have to deal with success and failures of professional life, relationships, and family commitments on daily basis, Yoga can provide you with restorative, nurturing, and therapeutic effects that help to be healthy, balanced and joyful after every session.

Though there are numerous Yoga Studios in Bangalore offering different types of Yoga, at InnerSaga, that is located in North Bangalore, in Sahakara Nagar, we provide primarily Medical Yoga, which is also a modified form of Ashtang Yoga / Hatha Yoga. We would say that we specialise in Medical Yoga and Alternate healing. It is one of the best places to learn yoga in Bangalore. Our yoga classes consist of a Medically designed sequence for every individual who approaches us.  It combines exercises related to stretching, strengthening and elongation of muscles with deep breathing and anti-ageing postures in the end for relaxation. Yoga is not only for the people who can touch their toes or want to do deep meditation, it is for everyone.

Benefits of Yoga

There are many forms of yoga. Some of them are physically challenging and intense, while others are slow and relaxing. Some people regard yoga as simply an ancient art and do not want to associate with it while others vouch for how amazing this form of exercise feels. What they do not realize is that this art will benefit them in ways they have never envisioned.

Pranayama or intensified breath-work brings inner purification. Meditation leads to deeper self-realization which brings calmness and peace. And the yogic philosophy helps one to think above one’s basic instinct and realize the truth of life.

According to a recent study, many benefits of yoga are backed by scientific evidence. We are listing some of those which we have experienced in-depth, our clients would vouch for it and they are most significant for us while designing any sequence. Some of them are

  • Improves quality of breathing
  • Improves capacity of breathing
  • First line of treatment for most of the Chronic Pains
  • Improves Heart rate
  • Improves body alignment
  • Improves sense of balance in body
  • Increases confidence
  • Reduces muscles atrophy
  • Keeps the discs hydrated
  • Decrease Stress
  • Relieves Anxiety
  • Improves Sleep Quality
  • Relieves Migraines

And many more.

Medical / Iyengar yoga in Bangalore

If you have a medical problem, then you need Medical Yoga in which the asanas are medically designed to bring maximum relief. InnerSaga specializes in Medical Yoga to deal with pain management along with other medical conditions. Medical yoga is a form of Ashtanga Yoga and Hatha yoga in which the postures are modified as per the need of the Sadhak (a person who is doing yoga). Extensive use of props makes it safe and comfortable for anyone who wants to practice yoga but has certain limitations. Most common medical problems which are most effectively dealt with medical yoga are: Diabetes, PCOD, Asthma, High BP, Hormonal Imbalance, Irregular periods, Various Joint pain problems like Sciatica, Slip disc/prolapsed disc, Frozen Shoulder, Cervical Spondylosis (Neck pain), Lumbar Spondylosis (Lower Back pain), Osteo-Arthritis of Knee,

Medical yoga provides you with an absolutely non-invasive method of treatment that can help to avoid surgery in most of the joint pain cases.

It is becoming highly popular because it does not require you to follow the pace of group yoga, the sequence is customised for every individual and they can do it at their own pace, it is safe, postures are done at a relaxed pace which brings peace of the mind, increases the muscles length and enhances your breathing capacity. Worth mentioning that a relaxed mind allows you to breathe more!

Ashtanga yoga in Bangalore

According to Vedic philosophy, roots of Yoga can be traced back to more than 5000 yrs. Maharishi Patanjali provided an eight-limbed approach in his yoga sutras. This approach is known as Ashtanga yoga Ashtanga yoga is a multi-dimensional approach and all these eight limbs are to be practiced simultaneously. These eight rules are a combination of personal ethics, social ethics, asanas, breathing, withdrawal, concentration that finally leads to meditation and salvation. Ashtanga yoga is also known for its dynamic and physically demanding asanas, breath work integration with movement, and vinyasa or uninterrupted flow style movement. Ashtanga yoga is great for building core strength and toning the body.

Hatha yoga in Bangalore

Hatha Yoga simply refers to the practice of physical yoga postures, which means that all forms of yoga-like Ashtanga, Vinyasa or Iyengar, are all Hatha Yoga. “Hatha” in Hatha Yoga can be translated in two ways: as “forceful” – the yoga of activity and as “ha” (sun) – “tha” (moon) – the yoga of balance. Hatha Yoga practices and asanas are designed to calm your body, mind, and spirit.

Hatha Yoga is a spiritual practice that prepares your body and mind for a higher level of consciousness with the help of asanas. Asana in Hatha Yoga is distinctively different from the physically demanding Ashtanga Yoga. It involves slow and meditative asanas with an enhancing consciousness of breath.

At InnerSaga, Hatha yoga is practised with the essence of Medical yoga where every individual enjoys their own personalised health curriculum.

Pregnancy Yoga in Bangalore

Pregnancy can be extremely stressful and can hamper your health. If you too are pregnant and looking for a way to relax and stay healthy, you should consider prenatal yoga.

Just like other types of childbirth preparation classes, prenatal yoga involves stretching, mental centering, and focused breathing. According to recent research, prenatal yoga is safe and can have many benefits for mother and their babies such as:

  • Improves Sleep
  • Increase in the flexibility, endurance, and strength of muscles needed for childbirth.
  • Increase space in the abdominal cavity for the baby to grow
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Decrease nausea, headaches, and lower back pain.

The stress of being a new parent can be challenging and tiring for both mind and body. We are there for you to help you with being a new parent. At InnerSaga, we offer yoga for pregnant ladies in Bangalore. Our Prenatal yoga classes begin with breathing exercises followed by gentle stretching and asanas done with the help of props like bolsters, pillows, belts and ropes. We end the sessions with meditative end the class.

Incorporating Yoga into your routine can enhance your health and reduce stress and anxiety. Enrolling with us will help you meet your health goals. Finding the time to practice yoga a few times a week with us is enough to see noticeable changes in your health.

How InnerSaga Functions?

InnerSaga offers personalized yoga sessions where people can walk-in for consultation and then start with their own sequence at their preferred time. We conduct group classes only on demand if the group is homogenous. All the above-mentioned forms of yoga are also offered through our online yoga classes also. This was started to combat the impact of Covid19 and to extend maximum services possible to our clients.

The quality of our services, our classes is absolutely same both in our online & offline yoga classes.

All our yoga sequences are designed to serve your best interest. You would have spent more than a decade to accelerate the process of degeneration of your body. Give us a few months to restore it back to function in the way it should.

We understand that our methods are different, hence it is advisable to get in touch with us to know more about us.

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