Back Pain, Yoga & Corrective measures
Our experience with Lower Back Pain (LBP) patients
Lower-back pain (LBP), or pain experienced on the spine below the ribs, is one of the most common complaints of discomfort. It afflicts people of all age groups, even starting from the 20’s .
Why is that? What causes it? Let’s look at some of the reasons for this:
Lifestyle related reasons for LBP
1) Lack of physical activity, laid back routine
2) lack of movement during the day, like in sitting jobs
3) Stress, yes stress matters!
4) Incomplete work-out , core strengthening not included
5) wrong sitting postures
6) Excessive use of laptop, at an incorrect angle
7) Food habits
8) Sleeping pattern
Other reasons
9) Weak core muscles
10) Obesity
11) pregnancy
12) loss of lordosis
People are often caught by surprise when they experience back pain. During consultation, we hear these a lot – “I was fine all this time and I got a catch out of the blue”, “ While lifting the bucket, I suddenly got this acute pain”, etc.
While in some cases, it indeed is a sudden phenomenon, but in most of the cases, it doesn’t happen that suddenly. It usually is the result of neglect over a long period of time. The spine gives up because you have not built up any support system around the spine and overused every bit of strength it had.
Switch to a balanced workout
When we are young, the body is new and has the strength to cope up with our sedentary lifestyle and food habits. We take our body for granted and forget to nourish it. The body needs nourishment not just in the form of food, but also in the form of physical workouts (gym, yoga, dance, etc) to keep itself healthy. Exercise increases oxygen supply to the body and every cell gets nourished.
Like a balanced diet, it is essential to have balanced workouts as well. Just working out everyday is not enough, the workout composition needs to have a balance of stretching, strengthening, breathing and relaxation. A single focus exercise regimen like only cardio, only cycling, only swimming or only weights can make the workout lop-sided and actually add to the problem.
Medical yoga can help patients with lower back problems. It combines traditional yoga practice with medical diagnosis and therapeutic techniques to address illness and disease.
Typically, patients that come with such ailments go through below mentioned process:
- A detailed consultation session where their entire medical history is taken
- Other parameters like X-Ray, MRI, Blood reports etc would be considered
- They could be advised for further tests (if required) to rule out possibilities
- The person is educated about the stage of his condition and the expected recovery time. He is also advised lifestyle changes.
- After the person agrees to commit himself to the therapeutic process, a yogic sequence is prescribed which is suitable for his current state.
- The postures might be a combination of stretching, strengthening and practice of sequences to be followed at home.
Customised yogic sequence must be done under supervision till the time the patient learns to do it correctly.
At InnerSaga, we help our patients through medical yoga therapy. We also educate them about the precautions to be taken during their everyday activities and make them understand how their daily routine contributes to their health.
We wish to make you independent and take charge of your health. We believe in getting results!
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