Yoga For Corporates

Let’s not lose health while you make money!

InnerSaga has different types of offerings for Yoga for Corporate Employees. Since we specialise in Medical Yoga, we provide Ashtanga Yoga sessions for Corporate employees along with Medical Yoga Consultation for their routine issues.

The corporate sector is one of the most affected with problems emerging due to lifestyle followed by most of the urban population. Due to long working hours and sedentary life, their fitness level goes down. Considering the need for tight work schedule, long hours in travelling, there is hardly any time left to take care of health.

Hence we have come up with various options that companies can opt for their employees. This helps in building faith that “We care”.

We have 4 main offerings:

Transitory Yogic pack

This yogic pack can be practiced anywhere, you don’t have to rush for a yoga mat or lie down on the floor. Your office chair is good enough. This shot duration yogic sequence will take care of almost all daily needs of maintaining physical fitness.  This would be the minimum that one is required to practice every day in order to prevent early degeneration of joints and to maintain acceptable mobility.

Ashtanga yoga sessions

We offer Ashtanga yoga sessions for Corporates which includes a combination of Meditation and Yogasanas. The Corporate yoga sequence taught in these sessions are uniquely designed keeping in mind the common health challenges faced by the employees. These sessions are helpful for the employees to detox themselves and release physical discomfort/ pain and thoughts for a while. Continuous sessions help the employees to go a long way and keep them motivated. It also helps improve their performance at the workplace.  

Yogic Consultation

This is a unique concept introduced by InnerSaga. We offer yogic consultation to corporates which provides a platform to the employees to consult a Medical yoga professional and get advice for preventive care. This facility is made available within the office premises so that employees can be benefitted during office hours, experience the Medical Yoga Therapy for their health issues and moreover, their long working hours do not hinder their effort to reach out for guidance on how to avoid the onset of any pain or physical/emotional discomfort. The employees have been tremendously benefitted with this facility as it can give real quick remedies for Cervical pain, Lower back pain, restless legs syndrome, anxiety etc…

Yogic Retreats

A day off from the workplace! Change in the environment also results in change in point of view, change in thoughts, and of course, shedding off unnecessary feelings that we might carry throughout the day. InnerSaga offers offsite programs for corporate employees. These programmes are full of relaxation through Yoga, Meditation & Breathwork. This gives a very deep healing experience where people can feel a new breath in every cell of their body. We have seen people unburden themselves of thoughts, emotions, and get awareness about their status of well-being. People end up motivated to take care of themselves rather than spending their energy in chores that don’t serve much of a purpose.

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